About Argus Investors' Counsel

Argus Investors' Counsel is the asset management arm of The Argus Research Group. We specialize in equity investment management for institutional and private investors. Our clients include corporations, public and private pension funds, Taft Hartley organizations, foundations, endowments, and high net-worth individuals. Our history dates back to 1934, with the founding of Argus Research Corporation, one of the first firms to provide independent research and analysis on US equities to the professional market. Argus Investors' Counsel was founded in 1960.

Defining Qualities:

> The tenure and experience of our investment team
> Our substantial research resources


Contact Us:

For more information please contact info@ArgusInvest.com.
To reach the sales and client service department: Jim Tierney.
To reach the portfolio managers: Donna Palais and Sharon Wagoner.

Holly Pond Plaza
1281 East Main Street, First Floor
Stamford, CT 06902

Map and Directions.

Telephone: (203) 316-9000
Fax: (203) 356-0533

© 2015 Argus Investors' Counsel, Inc.